Young people who have an interest in learning more about, and participating in, shooting sports, are invited to attend a shotgun safety course this December. This course is a requirement to be a part of any 4-H shooting sports club.
Faculty and volunteers from the Maryland Cooperative Extension 4-H Program are offering a youth training session at the Extension Office beginning December 6, 2008 at 28577 Mary’s Court, Suite 1, Easton from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Class participants must bring their own gun, but guns will be available to youth who do not own a gun.
Youth are required to pre-register. Parents are required to sign release forms in order for youth to participate. All youth MUST attend this training session prior to shooting.
For more information on this club or other 4-H clubs and events, contact Jayne Fitzgerald at the Talbot County Extension Office, 410-822-1244, or If you need special assistance to participate in the training or club, please call and we will make arrangements. It is the policy of the University of Maryland Extension that no person shall be subjected to discrimination on the grounds of race, color, gender, religion, disability, age or national origin.