6th Annual Blooms for United Way of Queen Anne’s County

The 6th Annual Blooms for United Way of Queen Anne’s County  held on April 2nd at the Prospect Bay Country Club in Grasonville, MD was a beautiful success! Close to $10,000 was raised this year thanks for the many sponsors that stepped up including BankAnnapolis as the Title Sponsor, Banquet Sponsors Paula’s Fine Jewelry, Chesapeake Investment Planning and WHBG, CPAs. Of course, the majority of the Blooms were donated once again by Gary & Sonia Mangum of Bell Nurseries.

The United Way of Queen Anne’s County is all about neighbors helping neighbors! 22 local agencies receive allocations and serve community needs from children to seniors covering areas from health and human services, to the arts and the environment.  If you would like more information about the United Way, please visit their website at www.unitedwayqac.org or call Executive Director, Sandra Early at 410-643-6288.


2011-2012 Board: (LtoR)  Incoming 2011-2012 Board of Directors are Art Potts, Neil Bourdelaise, Angie Price, Andrew Langer, Gail Ruppe (Secretary), Andy Read, Diana Waterman (Treasurer), Todd Wilhoit (Incoming VP), Paula Warner (Incoming President), Cyndy Bourke, Janet Rochester, Carllene Hurd (Past President), Susan Pilsch and Executive Director, Sandra Early.


Smith Auction: Tracy Smith of BankAnnapolis (Title Sponsor) bids on the Blooming Silent Auction goodies!







Tinelli Sossi Chair: Vito Tinelli, two year Chair for the United Way of QAC, passes the baton to incoming Chair, Dick Sossi.







Helfenbein Auctioneer: Once again ,  long time United Way supporter, Tom Helfenbein, encouraged generosity from the attendees while spreading cheer as the live auctioneer!








Surguy Early: Scott Surguy with SCD Information Technology accepts a certificate of appreciation from Executive Director Sandra Early for volunteering to breath new life into the United Way of QAC website! Visit www.unitedwayqac.org to see the new eye-catching design! While you’re there don’t forget to download the Nineteenth Annual United Way Golf Tournament registration form!