8th Annual Line Dance Expo

The Queen Anne’s County Department of Aging announces our 8th Annual Line Dance Expo.  This year’s Expo will be held at the Queen Anne’s County High School, 125 Ruthsburg Road in Centreville Maryland.

Join us for a day of entertainment and dance.  Watch costumed dancers from across Maryland and Delaware kick up a storm.  They perform not only for fun but their routines are reviewed by professional dancers.  The reviewers take notes and make them available to the dance groups who seek advice on improving their dances.  This is not a competitive event.  The only competition of the day is the fun of seeing our friends and neighbors enjoying themselves dance.  

Time is also provided for dancers and spectators to learn the latest dances.  Our professional instructors take time during the event to teach the latest dance steps.

Admission is $6.50 per person and includes breakfast and lunch; tickets should be purchased in advance by calling the QAC Department of Aging or visiting one of our senior centers.  A limited number of meal tickets will be available at the door.  Doors open at 8:30 with the dancers taking the stage around 9:30. 

To register a group to dance or to purchase admission tickets, please contact Betty Robinson at (410) 758-0858 or email her at brobinson@qac.org. 

This event is sponsored by the Queen Anne’s County Department of Aging.