911 Dispatcher Amanda Stokes’ Calm, Take-Charge Demeanor Earns Her the Dispatcher of the Year Award

image001911 Dispatcher Amanda Stokes’ Calm, Take-Charge Demeanor Earns Her the Dispatcher of the Year Award

Christmas Day 2013, Amanda Stokes answered a 911 call from a distraught, armed person threatening suicide. Amanda was able to develop a rapport with this person and keep them on the phone despite hearing shots fired and a physical altercation with another person in the house. She was able to get the second person to leave the house safely. After an hour on the phone, Amanda was able to convince the suicidal person to leave the residence unarmed and surrender peacefully to police.

“Having only been on the job for a few months as a Public Safety Dispatcher I with Queen Anne’s County Department of Emergency Services, Amanda was instrumental in the successful surrender,” said Kevin Aftung, Director of the Department of Emergency Services. “It was Amanda’s calm, reassuring and take-charge demeanor that developed the trust necessary to bring about a successful outcome. Amanda’s actions are to be commended and her performance is consistent with the levels of professionalism and integrity this department strives to maintain.”

Amanda’s supervisor wasn’t the only one to be impressed by Amanda’s professionalism. On September 19, 2014, Amanda Stokes, was recognized for excellent service by the Maryland Emergency Number Association and the Emergency Number Systems Board. Amanda was one of several individuals throughout Maryland to receive the “Telecommunicator of the Year Award.”

 “We are very proud of all of our staff, and this is just another example of the outstanding employees we have here at DES. This certainly is a well-deserved honor” Aftung said.

For more information visit the Queen Anne’s County Department of Emergency Services at www.qacdes.org , www.facebook.com/qacdes or contact us at 410-758-4500.

Photo: Maryland Emergency Numbers Service Board presents QAC 911 Dispatcher Amanda Stokes with Telecommunicator of the Year Award