DFC Brockman was investigating a report of ATV’s was being driven on the roadway in the Hunters Ridge Community in Centreville, MD. Brockman located a 3-wheel ATV being driven on the roadway by a 16 year old male. DFC Brockman stopped and arrested the juvenile, later releasing him to his parents. The ATV was towed from the scene.
As a reminder to all county residents, Queen Anne’s County local ordinance prohibits the operation of any ATV, motorized bicycle, scooter, or dirt bike on public roadways or public property (including roadway shoulders). Operation of those vehicles on private property without permission of the property owner is also prohibited. Violation of this ordinance is a misdemeanor criminal offense. If convicted, offenders face a penalty of up to a $500 for first offense, and up to a $1000 fine and/or 90 days in imprisonment for a subsequent offense.