Advanced Marketing Workshop for Artists

Established artists know that having a few shows is exciting, but it can also be the train that goes nowhere. By learning techniques for expanding public and sales exposure, artists of all techniques and interests can increase their opportunities. Advertising, public relations and selling will be explored. Individual goals and specific strategies will be foremost in this interactive workshop. Guest speakers will also present during this dynamic two-day workshop with esteemed publisher Robert Koenke.

Koenke is the previous publisher and editor of Wildlife Art Magazine. He has taught over 3500 students worldwide at notable institutions such as the Teton School of Art, the Beartooth School of Art and Susan K. Blank Foundation workshops. He has published over 24,000 pages of art, co-published four books and produced several videos on art appreciation, marketing and museums.

The Queen Anne’s County Arts Council in Centreville is presenting a special two-session class which explores all aspects for the individual artist’s opportunities to increase sales and exposure through effective marketing. The workshop will be held on Tuesday, February 3 and 10 from 9 am to 12 pm. The deadline for registration is January 27.

Fees for this class are $105 for Queen Anne’s County Arts Council members and $125 for non-members and will be held at the Centre for the Arts in Centreville, MD, 206 S. Commerce St. Registration materials are available at 206 South Commerce St. in Centreville, Tuesday – Friday from 9 am to 5 p.m., and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., or by calling 410-758-2520, faxing 410-758-1222 or request via email at

The Queen Anne’s County Arts Council is a non-profit organization committed to promoting,
expanding and sustaining the arts.