Affordable swimming lessons begin this month through Queen Anne’s County Parks and Recreation at pools in Church Hill, Queenstown, Wye Mills, Sudlersville and on Kent Island. Using the American Red Cross Learn-to-Swim Program, instructors teach aquatic and safety skills in a logical progression. The objective is to teach people to swim and to be safe in and around the water. Each swimming session is two weeks with classes held Monday through Thursday. Friday is the inclement weather make-up day. The cost is $60 per session. The sessions start dates are as follows: Session One – June 22; Session Two – July 6; Session Three – July 20; Session Four – August 3. For more information go to to view a full listing of locations, times, and pool directions. From this site you may print a registration form to mail with a check or fax with credit card payment. To speak to a staff member about swim programs, call Carrie at 410-758-0835 ext. 2517.