Americans For Prosperity Held First Meeting in QAC

Over 40 people attended the first meeting of the Queen Anne’s County Chapter of Americans For Prosperity (AFP) on August 31 at Harris Crab House. AFP is a grassroots organization focusing on the fight to preserve free market policies at the local and national levels. AFP educates and engages citizens in the support of limited government, individual liberty, and returning government to its constitutional limits (

The attendees were informed about the following upcoming events around the region:
• 9-12 March on Washington, DC: The Tea Party Movement goes to Capitol Hill on September 12. (
• Patients First Bus Tour comes to Maryland with stops in Annapolis and Ocean City on September 14th ( )
• Defending the American Dream Summit (October 2-3, Washington, DC ). Speakers, including Newt Gingrich, Jim Demint, Mike Pence, Michelle Bachman, will discuss topics such cap-and-trade, healthcare, the economy, and effective grassroots mobilization (

The next meeting of the QAC Chapter of AFP will be on Monday, September 28, at 6:30 pm at Harris Crab House. Topics to be covered include how to write effective letters, protest etiquette, and positive radio interviews and call ins. RSVP by September 24 to Donna Gildea, QAC Chapter Chair, at 410-707-1406 or The meeting is free and open to the public.