“In September 2008 the Queen Anne’s County Office of the Sheriff received several complaints of burglaries and thefts which resulted in the loss of ATV’s, weapons and lawn equipment. Det. Stephen Stouffer of the Queen Anne’s County Office of the Sheriff Criminal Investigations Unit, and other members of the Office of the Sheriff initiated a year long investigation of these complaints. As a result of these investigations, Warren G. Hoyt was arrested and criminally charged in reference to his involvement in these burglaries and thefts. Additionally Det. Stouffer and other members of the Office of the Sheriff have been able to recover an ATV, one Cub Cadet Lawn Tractor, four shotguns and assorted hunting accessories having a value in excess of $5,000.00 from Kent County Maryland and New Castle County Delaware. Hoyt pled Guilty to these charges in August 2009 and has been out on bond awaiting sentencing.
On September 14, 2009 Dfc. Jessie Phan of the Queen Anne’s County Sheriff’s Office responded to McGinnes Road, Chestertown in reference to a reported burglary.
The victims, Jonathan Uyttewaal and Nicholas Moulsdale reported that a green Honda four wheeler, a Delta Chop saw, Bushnell binoculars and a Red Head hunting storage bag was stolen from their unlocked three car garage sometime between 09/13/2009 and 09/14/2009. The items were valued at $2400.
D/Cpl. Bruce Layton of the Criminal Investigation Unit was assigned the case and had received information that a local resident, Warren Hoyt had been seen with a similar four wheeler in the rear of his truck and that he and another male were attempting to sell it. It was later learned that they had sold to a third party for $200.
D/Cpl. Layton located the reported purchaser’s residence, located the stolen Honda four wheeler and seized it. The purchaser was able to identify Warren Hoyt as the seller. On October 2nd, Layton located Warren Hoyt at his residence on Round Top Road, Chester Harbor, Chestertown and arrested Hoyt without incident. Hoyt admitted to the burglary and implicated the second subject as Samuel Coleman of Lynch, MD. In an interview later that evening, Coleman admitted being with Hoyt and assisting in loading the Honda ATV into Hoyt’s pickup truck. Further inquiry has led to the recovery of the Delta Chop saw and the investigation remains open.
Sheriff R. Gery Hoffman stated “”He is proud of the diligent work investigators have done in these cases in order to recover as much of the stolen property as possible and to arrest the subjects that are responsible.”””