“Burglaries and thefts occurring in the northern portion of Queen Anne’s County have recently increased. The thieves are targeting locations with four wheelers, lawn tractors, firearms and power tools. Storage sheds and residences have been burglarized both during the day and the night. Queen Anne’s County Sheriff R. Garry Hofmann stated “”With the oncoming hunting season, hunters are beginning to use their all terrain vehicles more and increases the chances of a thief seeing it and making the attempt to take it.””
The public is being asked to be on the watch for any vehicles such as pickup trucks carrying an ATV or a vehicle with trailer acting in a suspicious manner or that appears to be out of place or at an odd time of the day. Sheriff Hofmann wants remind citizens to keep their vehicles and homes locked and to keep a record of serial numbers, make and model of their valuables. If burglarized, the stolen items can be entered into computer systems and increase the chance of recovering them.
Sheriff Hofmann stated that “”recently the detectives working on the cases have had a lot of success in locating stolen property and returning it to the owners””. Sheriff Hofmann has also increased patrols in the area using a variety of vehicles in an attempt to locate the thieves.
Persons with Information about this incident are requested to contact the Sheriff’s Office. Contact can be made in several ways by calling (410) 758 0770 and asking to speak with a Deputy, calling (410) 758-6666 and leaving a message on the answering machine or emailing sherifftips@qac.org”