CBEC Adds New Summer Camp Program

For all the kids who like nature and art “The Young Naturalist” is the camp to attend. Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center scheduled a new camp for children 8 through 11 years old. The camp is set for two weeks: June 22-26 and July 6-10 from 9:00 am-3:00 pm each day.

“The goal of the Young Naturalist is to foster creativity, careful observation and respect for nature by introducing children to the practice of observing art in nature,” according to Genie Fitzgerald, one of the directors. Each morning a local scientist or artist will join the children in offering instruction and direction in scientific observation, drawing or photography. Throughout the day children will have opportunities to practice their sketching skills, start collections, conduct experiments, and use an assortment of observation tools. To further enrich the experience of the young naturalists, the afternoon will be devoted to nature oriented art activities.

Some of the activities include making paper from natural materials, using flower presses, collecting and sketching bones, preparing a collage from recycled materials, making gourd bird houses, feather prints and bark rubbings. At the conclusion of the camp, the children will host a reception and art show in the new green education building at CBEC where they will display their artistic achievements to family, friends and general public.

For information or an application call 410-827-6694. For the best experience the camp is limited to twelve participants. Call now.