Shore Regional Cancer Center and The Wellness Community-Delmarva are offering a series of free educational programs to help cancer patients and their family members cope with life after a cancer diagnosis.
Coping Tools 101 begins with a four-session program about the use of guided imagery and relaxation techniques. The program will be led by Sharon Loving, LCSW-C of The Wellness Community-Delmarva. The class meets Wednesday, March 11, March 25, April 8 and April 22 from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at Shore Regional Cancer Center, 509 Idlewild Avenue in Easton.
Pam Black, LCSW-C, a Shore Regional Cancer Center social worker who facilitates cancer support groups with Loving, says, “We are offering these educational programs to help cancer patients and their family members learn skills that will improve their quality of life during a cancer crisis and in day-to-day living.” Other Coping Tool sessions being developed include an introduction to Reiki, Yoga for the medically ill, a financial primer for the cancer family, expressive writing and restorative strength training.
Pre-registration is required. For more information and to register, call Shore Regional Cancer Center at 410-820-6800.