Character Coaches Needed for Caroline, Dorchester and Talbot County Schools

Volunteers are needed to serve as character coaches in the public schools in Caroline, Dorchester and Talbot counties. Character Counts Mid Shore utilizes volunteer character coaches in its Winners Walk Tall Program to visit classrooms in grades K through 8 for 15 minute character lessons each week based on the six pillars of character: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring and Citizenship. Character coaches are business people, retirees, parents, and grandparents. Training and support materials are provided and schedules are tailored to meet volunteer needs.

The Character Coaches’ kick off for Talbot County will be held on Wednesday, September 17 from 8 to 10:30 a.m. at the Character Counts Mid Shore office at 11 S. Washington Street in Easton and on Saturday, September 20 at 9 a.m. at the office of Dr. Lois Narr, 100 Bramble Street in Cambridge for Dorchester County. The date for the coaches’ kick off for Caroline County is to be announced.

Character Counts Mid Shore, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that relies on donations from the community to provide its services in the public schools. Its Winners Walk Talk Program, which reached 230 classrooms on the Mid Shore last year, has had a positive impact on the behavior of youth in the schools for 10 years. For further information about becoming a character coach or to make a donation, call Character Counts Mid Shore at 410-819-0386 or visit