Clergy Education Series Discusses Community Mediation

The Shore Health System lunch and learn series for area clergy and lay ministers continued at The Memorial Hospital at Easton on March 18 with the presentation “Community Mediation: A Step Toward Peace in Our Communities.”

Peter Taillie, executive director of Mid-Shore Mediation, explained the free services available to clergy and members of their congregations. Mid-Shore Mediation is a resource for people of all ages seeking assistance with conflict resolution, including issues related to elder care, parent-child disagreements, neighbor discord and divorce.

The next clergy lunch and learn session is scheduled for Wednesday, May 20 at 11:55 a.m. in the Memorial Hospital Health Education Center. Larissa Kitenko, PharmD, a pharmacist on the Shore Health System staff and a certified hospital chaplain, will discuss spirituality and healing. These lunch and learn sessions are offered as part of the Shore Health System Chaplain Associates Program. They are free and open to clergy from Talbot, Dorchester, Caroline and Queen Anne’s counties.

Shore Health System also offers Clinical Pastoral Education, an advanced clinical and pastoral training program that prepares clergy and lay caregivers for ministry with the sick and their families.

For more information about the Chaplain Associates Program and Clinical Pastoral Education, contact Brian Childs, PhD, at 410-822-1000, ext. 5259.