The Talbot Family Network (TFN) is providing an opportunity for community based organizations to receive funding to provide community training events during fiscal year 2009. Priority will be given to training that the TFN Board identifies as critical to TFN’s two priority result areas.
Grants matching up to a maximum of $1,000 will be awarded per program. TFN anticipates awarding up to 10 grants.
Funding guidelines:
• Training must address one of the two priorities results of the Talbot Family Network: Children Safe in Their Families and Communities and Children Enter School Ready to Learn.
• The training must be offered between January 1, 2009 and June 30, 2009.
• One slot in the training must be held for TFN Staff to attend.
• TFN must be included as a partial funder on the training advertisement.
• Proposals must include: Community Grant Coversheet, Narrative and Community Grant Application Budget Form
• Proposals are due to TFN by 3:00pm on October 17, 2008. One original and five copies must be submitted.
• Proposals are limited to two double spaced, 12 point font pages, not including the cover sheet, budget, and any additional attachments.
A committee of TFN Board members, with input from TFN staff, will review the submissions. Proposal scores and reviewer comments will be combined to make funding recommendations to the full Board at the November Board meeting.
Awardees will be expected to submit a one page summary report with evaluation data and expenditures no later than 45 days after the training is completed.
Questions: Technical assistance is available by contacting Talbot Family Network.
Jeanine Beasley
Grants Manager/Operations Specialist