The state approved $2.9-million in first year construction funds for Sudlersville Middle School. The amount is less than half of the first-year funding that had been requested, and the state will not provide monies for an auditorium for the school. Officials say the funding difference should not have a major impact on the overall plans to build a new $30-million middle school.
Schools construction manager Andy Onukwubiri said the county schools submitted a request to the state for $7.7-million in first year construction funds for the Sudlersville project. An auditorium was submitted as an add alternate, meaning the school board intends to solicit bids for its construction and will either accept or reject them contingent on the availability of funding from the county or from grants. Out of a total of approximately $28,745,523 that the school system estimates the two-year project would cost, school officials hoped to get both first and second-year construction funding from the state for a total state contribution of $12.9-million. The school system was looking to the county to provide the balance of $15.8-million over two years for the project.