Grasonville Senior Center will offer Craft Design and Production classes each day of the week during the winter semester. Students will be learning the production and marketing of craft items which include Ceramics, Oil Rouging, Colors for Earth, Traditional Rug Hooking, Oil Painting, and Baltimore Screen Painting. Ceramic Arts classes will be offered on Mondays at 1:00PM. Students will create beautiful and functional art of their choice. Oil Rouging class will be offered on Tuesdays at 12:30PM in which one will create a pen and ink drawing then washes it with color. Colors for Earth class will be offered on Wednesdays at 10:00AM and again at 12:30PM to create several pre selected projects which are currently on display at the center. Traditional Rug Hooking class will teach the students one of America’s oldest art forms on Wednesdays at 1:00PM. A sample of the first project is currently on display at the senior center. Oil Painting class is offered on Thursdays at 10:00AM and also at 12:30PM. Students will paint the subject of their choice while learning to mix colors, highlight, and shade using oils. Baltimore Screen Painting class will be offered on Fridays at 1:00PM. Students will begin by learning the history of Baltimore Screen Painting and then will learn techniques to create a painted screen of their own. Beginners are encouraged to try these fun classes. Participants must be age 60 or better. These courses are provided by Chesapeake College Division of Continuing Education and Workforce Training. Registration cost just $10.00 and entitles the student to take as many classes as they choose during the 12 week session. Some classes require a supply fee. All classes begin in January and run through March except Traditional Rug Hooking class which begins in February. Interested persons should call (410) 827-6010 for specific details or visit the Grasonville Senior Center conveniently located at 4802 Main Street, Grasonville.