Decorative Decoy Carving With Nick Barbalace And Frank Scherber

Learn the time honored American craft of decoy carving from experienced members of the Kent Island Carvers at the Queen Anne’s County Arts Council’s Centre for the Arts in Centreville, Maryland. Students will learn from demonstrations with a hands-on emphasis on painting the detailed feather layout of a Bufflehead drake slick. No prior experience is necessary and beginning and accomplished carvers will benefit from learning with Nick Barbalace and Frank Scherber.

Carver and instructor Barbalace has exhibited widely including the Ocean City World Class Show, in Easton, North Carolina, Havre de Grade, Centreville and Grasonville. He is an active member of the Kent Island Carvers, and continues to hone his craft by taking classes. Carver and instructor Scherber is self-taught and sells his work regionally, creating a large array of decorative life size and scaled down birds. He is an active member of the Kent Island Carvers and lives in Grasonville.

Students should wear old clothes or bring an apron. On the first day of class, a $35 materials fee is to be paid to the instructor for supplies including a duck blank. The cost for this four-week class is $80 or $65 for Arts Council members. The class begins on Saturday, November 1 and runs from 8am to 12pm. Register by 10/24.

Centre for the Arts classes are designed to renew existing artistic interests, and to develop new skills. Registration materials are available at 206 South Commerce St. in Centreville, MD Tuesday-Friday from 9 am to 5 pm and Saturday from 10 am to 2 pm, or by calling 410-758-2520, online,, or request via email at