Democratic Club Plans Outreach and Fundraising

The Queen Anne’s County Democratic Club has announced plans for the Fall, which will focus on outreach and fundraising efforts. In a message to Democratic Club members, new Club president, Clay Schramm, outlined his vision and plans for the Club. Schramm succeeded outgoing president, Jack Broderick, who served the ‘07 –‘08 two year term. Schramm was nominated as the Club president in February, but did not yet meet County residency requirements for the office. Broderick agreed to continue to serve until Schramm met the requirements, which occurred in May. The leadership transition occurred at the May Democratic Club meeting. Broderick called Schramm, who grew up in Queen Anne’s County, “a young leader who brings great vitality, new ideas, and campaign experience to the Club and to the future of the Democratic Party” and welcomed his new leadership role. Broderick will continue to serve on the board as past president and will assist in planning and outreach efforts.

In Schramm’s message to the Club members, he announced Club plans for this year. They include: a strong presence at the County Fair in August; a County-wide economic summit in September; a Crab Feast fundraiser in October; and a “One Year Out” rally in November. He also announced efforts to work with other county clubs in the legislative district to help strengthen the Democratic Party on the Eastern Shore.

Schramm is an attorney practicing in Chester. Last year he reorganized and ran the Young Democrats of Queen Anne’s County and served as a field organizer for the Kratovil Campaign. He said he welcomes the challenge as the Democratic Club president and stated, “We are an active, vibrant, dynamic club, with energy and novel ideas. I look forward to making this the best Democratic Club in Maryland”.

For information on the Queen Anne’s County Democratic Club, call Clay at 410-200-5551.