Easton Elementary – Dobson Building Honors Volunteer

Easton Elementary – Dobson Building recently honored Mr. David Weise for his many years of being a volunteer.  Mr. Weise has served each day on car duty for the past 12 years.  While taking his grandson to school one day, he mentioned to his wife that the small children needed assistance in getting out of the cars in front of the school.  Mrs. Weise called the school and said that her husband will report for car duty the next day.  And report he did – every day for 12 years.  Weise also served as a first grade Character Coach for Character Counts Mid Shore for the past four years.  “Dave has been a wonderful role model for the students and they absolutely love him.  He has such a gentle manner when teaching the students about the Six Pillars of Character”, states Susan Luby, Regional Manager of CCMS,  “Everyone at EES-Dobson and Character Counts sends him best wishes in his retirement.”