“Thursdays in the Park” begins in June at Millstream Park in Centreville, MD with a rousing performance by the Kent Island Band. The free concert series features bands both local and regional, and showcases different musical genres from Bluegrass to Celtic, Gospel to Jazz. Presented by the Queen Anne’s County Arts Council, the series is in its eighteenth year.
Other featured performers are the Sean Fleming Duo, The Shoremen, Satyr Hill Band, The Burke Family and Sean Lane. Concerts take place throughout Queen Anne’s County and are supported by the Maryland State Arts Council, The United Way of Queen Anne’s County, with private support from Frank Kratovil, Jr., James Lucas, DDS and Prime Outlets of Queenstown. Something new this year is the addition of door prizes provided by the Outlets and raffle items provided by area artists.
Concert schedules are available on the Arts Council’s website, www.arts4u.info.
Bring blankets or chairs; picnicking is encouraged. Food is available at some locations, call in advance to confirm. Concerts start at 7 pm and will be held rain or shine. Contact the Arts Council regarding cancellations in the event of extreme weather conditions or alerts. For additional information or to receive a concert schedule call 410-758-2520 or email: exhibit@arts4u.info, or volunteer@arts4u.info
The Queen Anne’s County Arts Council, Inc., is a non-profit organization committed to promoting, expanding and sustaining the arts. Visit us on the web at www.arts4u.info.