Free Tax Counseling

Beginning Feb 1, 2009, AARP Tax Aide volunteers will be providing FREE tax counseling, preparation and filing of federal and state forms for elderly and low income residents.
Tax Aide volunteers are trained by AARP and certified by IRS. They handle most tax issues faced by middle class, low income families as well as taxpayers 60 years and older. This service is provided by appointment only at the following locations. For more information regarding days and hours of operation, please call the number for the location most convenient for you.

Bring Social Security cards for yourself and all your dependents, all 2007 tax return forms and all other documents necessary for accurate tax preparation.

It is important to have documents showing how much Economic Stimulus you received in 2008, you may be entitled to receive additional Stimulus Rebate, depending on your status.

CENTREVILLE 410-758-0848
CHESTERTOWN 410-778-2564
GRASONVILLE 410-758-0848
KENT ISLAND 410-604-3801
SUDLERSVILLE 410-438-3159
OTHER LOCATIONS 1-888-227-7669