Grasonville Senior Center Announces Its’ Line Up Of Computer Classes

Grasonville Senior Center announces its’ line up of computer classes being offered for the summer semester through Chesapeake College Continuing Education and Workforce Training Program. These courses are designed for senior adults, aged 60 or older, with little or no knowledge of computers. Classes begin the week of July 6 – 10, 2009; the two hour sessions meet once each week for six consecutive weeks. Instructor Elliot Klingman will offer Basic Computer Skills for Seniors with emphasis on Beginner Computers on Thursdays 8am – 10am and Computer Basics for Seniors with emphasis on Advanced Computers on Thursdays 10am – 12pm; both classes begin on July 9. Mr. Klingman will also teach a Digital Photography 1 class with emphasis on camera selection, Picasa program, and organizing and storing photos on Fridays from 9am – 11:30am beginning July 10. Additional computer classes will be offered by instructor Mrs. Maxine Wixom on Mondays and Tuesdays. Mrs. Wixom will teach a Working with Digital Images class with emphasis on Adobe Photoshop Elements on Mondays 8:30am – 10:30am and a Computer Basics for Seniors class with emphasis on Introduction to Computers and Internet on Mondays 11am – 1pm beginning July 6. Mrs. Wixom will also teach two classes on Tuesdays beginning July 7 which will include Microsoft Word for Windows with emphasis on MS Word 1 from 8:30am – 10:30am and a Computer Basics for Seniors class with emphasis on the Excel Program from 11am – 1pm. Students in the Excel class must already have a good knowledge of MS Word. Advance registration is required for all classes. The registration fee for the summer semester is just $10 and entitles the student to take additional classes at no extra cost. Class size is limited and classes fill up quickly. Interested persons should call the Grasonville Senior Center at (410) 827-6010 or visit at 4802 Main Street, Grasonville.