Greenhouse Production Conference To Be Offered

A Greenhouse Production Conference has been scheduled for anyone interested in starting a greenhouse to experienced greenhouse operators. The conference is sponsored by the University of Maryland Cooperative Extension and Maryland Greenhouse Growers Association.

The seminar will be held on Tuesday December 2, 2008 from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm at the Talbot County Agricultural Center in Easton (10659 Hiners Lane). Topics will include: Energy Management, Bedding Plant Nutrition, Business Management, Diagnosing Disease & Insects, Water and Soil Monitoring, New Products to Grow and Growing in Cooler Greenhouses. These sessions will be taught by University specialists, educators, scouts and experts from the field. Maryland Private Applicator Pesticide Re-Certification credits will be available at this conference.

Registration fee $35 per person. This fee includes materials, continental breakfast and lunch.

For more information or to register contact the Talbot County Extension Office at 410-822-1244 or Registration is due by November 24th.

The conference is open to anyone. If you have any special needs for the conference please contact the Extension Office a week before the conference.