Haddaway Elected to Women’s Caucus Position

The Women Legislators of the Maryland General Assembly have announced their slate for 2009-1010 Officers and Executive Board Members. Delegate Jeannie Haddaway-Riccio was among the nominees for positions and was elected to serve as 2nd Vice President.

The Women Legislators of Maryland was founded in 1972 and was the first statewide organization of its kind in the country. It is informally referred to as the “Women’s Caucus” and serves as a forum for female senators and delegates in the Maryland General Assembly. Since that time, their mission has been to improve public policy that affects women’s lives and to increase the number of women elected and appointed to public office.

In 2003, Delegate Jeannie Haddaway-Riccio was appointed to the Maryland General Assembly, making Maryland third in the nation for the number of women in the legislature. Shortly thereafter, Maryland rose to number one in the nation. During her six years in office, Haddaway has served in numerous positions with the Women’s Caucus including Co-Chair of the Legislative Policy Committee, reviewing legislation and making policy recommendations on issues affecting women and children. She has also served as an At-Large Executive Board member and as Secretary.

“The Women’s Caucus has provided me with opportunities for professional development and networking that have proved invaluable,” Haddaway said. “We have also been instrumental in bringing issues and perspectives to the forefront that would have otherwise been ignored. It is really an honor to be a part of this prestigious group.”

For more information, contact Delegate Jeannie Haddaway-Riccio or visit www.womenlegislatorsmd.org.