Harris Celebrates Energy Freedom Day

“On October 1, 2008, the congressional moratorium on off-shore drilling expired. With expiration of the moratorium, billions of barrels of oil and natural gas will now be accessible to help alleviate the United States’ dependence on foreign oil.

“”The expiration of the moratorium is a victory for Maryland families paying high energy costs,”” said Andy Harris. Lifting the ban will lower energy costs hardworking families pay which will in turn stimulate our struggling economy.

Andy Harris has advocated for an all of the above energy solution including opening new areas to domestic exploration of oil and natural gas, developing the next generation of alternative energy technology, and encouraging more conservation.

“”Our nation must become energy independent.”” Harris said. “”The United States can no longer afford to send hundreds of millions of dollars to nations like Russia, Venezuela, and Iran who are not friendly to the United States.””

In contrast, Andy Harris’ opponent, Frank Kratovil, refuses to support increasing our domestic supply of oil and natural gas. “”Frank Kratovil’s opposition to increasing domestic production of oil and natural gas is hurting Maryland families,”” said Chris Meekins, Harris Campaign Manager. “”Kratovil’s opposition to expanding production clearly shows he is beholden to radical liberal special interest groups who have given thousands of dollars to his campaign.””

Kratovil’s own words on off-shore drilling:
“”I don’t think we need any new spots to drill””.(WYPR Interview on 6/13/2008)
“”Don’t open up new areas.”” Star Democrat, 7/23/08
“”Off-shore drilling is a red herring,”” – Star Democrat, 7/29/2008″