Highest Bidder at Oxford Community Center Auction will be Sent Cruisin’ on the Oxford-Bellevue Ferry

An evening cruise on the historic Oxford-Bellevue Ferry is one of any adventures available to the highest bidder at the Oxford Community Center Holiday Auction: A Colonial Christmas Celebration on Sunday, December 7 at 6 p.m. in Oxford, MD. Captains Tom and Judy Bixler are offering an evening one hour-plus cruise along the beautiful Tred Avon River for up to 75 guests.

The Oxford Ferry Cruise is just one of over 100 unique auctions items to be featured at the Oxford Community Center Holiday Auction on Sunday December 7 at 6 pm. Additional items on the auction block include an aerial tour of Talbot County aboard a private Cessna, a half-day Chesapeake Bay trophy fishing trip, gift certificates from the area’s finest restaurants, a commissioned painting by Linda Luke, Washington Capitals box seats for ten, one-week stays in Vero Beach, FL, the Outer Banks, and Fripp Island Resort, SC, and much more! Reservations are advised. Tickets are $40 per person in advance and $45 per person at the door and include cocktails and hors d’oeuvres. Event proceeds benefit programs at the Oxford Community Center. The Holiday Auction is part of the Oxford Christmas on the Creek Weekend. For more information, call 410-226-5904 or visit www.oxfordcc.org.