Island Fireman’s Carnival

Sunday, July 19– Saturday, July 25
Kent Island High School, Stevensville


The 59th Annual Fireman’s Carnival helps to raise funds for Volunteer Fire Department equipment and maintenance. Food, games, and fun for the whole family!

The annual Kent Island Volunteer Fire Department carnival is just around the corner. The Fireman’s Carnival helps to raise funds for the Fire Department’s equipment and maintenance. We will have a Fireman’s Parade, firefighter vehicle extrication competition, games, food, special ride nights, fireworks, and fun for the whole family! This year marks a new beginning for the carnival, with a new location and new format. We will be holding the carnival at the Kent Island High School, located at 900 Love Point Road. The dates for the carnival are July 26th through August 1st and the carnival is open from 6:00 to 11:00 PM.