The Talbot County Chapter of the Izaac Walton League of America invites you and your family to an open house on June 28, from 9 to 1 at its nature area and pavilion. You will have an opportunity to explore the trails in the nature area. In the pavilion will be animals from the Scales and Tails Program of Tuckahoe State Park, environmentally friendly products for the home and garden by Robin’s Nest Floral and Garden Center, Joe’s birdhouses, adopt a tree by Tree Keepers, and environmental information and free tote bags provided by the Izaac Walton League. At 11 o’clock Heather Buritsch, Master Gardeners Coordinator, will present the Bay Wise Program. The open house will conclude with a free hot dog lunch at noon.
The Izaac Walton nature area is located on