Jackson-Amis Files Civil Rights Compliant

Carl Snowden, the director for civil rights at the Maryland Attorney’s General Office, has confirmed he received a civil rights complaint from Easton Town Councilwoman Moonyene Jackson-Amis concerning allegations made at a June 2 meeting and later reported in The Star Democrat. At that meeting, Mayor Robert Willey said the locks to the back offices in the town hall had been changed because of privacy concerns and that in recent weeks supplies were missing and things had been moved on employees’ desks.


Jackson-Amis did not elaborate on how she believed her civil rights were violated. She is the lone African-American on the council. The Star Democrat reported that security tapes have shown Jackson-Amis frequently spending nights at the town office as far back as last November. In a recent e-mail, Jackson-Amis said she has been using the town hall at night for town business only.


Jackson-Amis did not reply to a follow-up message from The Star Democrat asking for more specific information, such as what she was working on when she was at the town hall for 28 out of 31 consecutive hours on Nov. 21-22, 2007. She also was asked if she had ever used the town office for anything other than official town business. Council President John Ford wrote in an e-mail that “”Ms. Jackson-Amis has worked at odd hours, at least odd by my standards, ever since she has been on the council.””