Is the daily commute across the Bay Bridge getting you down? Are you thinking of making a career change closer to home? Would you like to spend more time with the family and less money on gas?
If “yes” is the answer to any or all of these questions, come out to the Second Annual Job Fair at the Chesapeake Bay Business Park on Wednesday, October 15 from 4 to 7 p.m. The Job Fair is sponsored by the Queen Anne’s County Dept. of Economic Development, Agriculture and Tourism. The Upper Shore Workforce Investment Board will also be at the event offering career services.
This year’s Job Fair will offer job seekers options ranging from entry level to management with a number of career opportunities. Industries ranging from manufacturing to service are represented at Chesapeake Bay Business Park and last year’s inaugural Job Fair drew over 250 people from across the Mid-Shore.
After September 24, interested applicants will be able to review available positions on-line BEFORE the event and apply directly to the company DURING the event. Job descriptions with participating companies will be posted on, so be sure to mark the date and see the career possibilities available right here in Queen Anne’s County!