Have your resume updated and come prepared to apply for available positions at the Second Annual Job Fair at Chesapeake Bay Business Park in Stevensville. The event is Wednesday, October 15 from 4 to 7 p.m. and is sponsored by the Queen Anne’s County Department of Economic Development, Agriculture and Tourism.
Looking for a job or seeking a career change? Review the available positions with participating companies on-line at www.choosequeenannes.com. Career opportunities are available with positions ranging from entry level to management in a variety of service and manufacturing industries.
To get to the Chesapeake Bay Business Park from Route 50 take Exit 37 to Route 8 toward Stevensville. Look for Job Fair banners and make a left on Skipjack Parkway into the Business Park. County staff will be available to assist with the process and participating businesses will have signs on site identifying them as Job Fair participants.
The Chesapeake Bay Business Park adjoins Terrapin Nature Park, a 276 acre award winning park with scenic views of the Bay, meadows, wood trails and ponds.