Sarah Evans, an incoming Senior at Kent County High School, took her seat on the board of education on July 7 with the full backing of the school’s Student Government Association. She was the unanimous choice of SGA representatives to succeed Audra Lins as the student member of the Kent County Board of Education. Evans is a member of the National Honor Society and plays varsity soccer, swimming and lacrosse year-round at the high school. She has been a delegate to numerous Maryland Association of Student Councils conventions, legislative sessions and Lobbying Days. She also has held executive positions with the Kent County Association of Student Government and currently is president of the high school’s SGA. The Daughters of the American Revolution and Rotary Club recognized Evans for citizenship and leadership. Evans easily met the criteria for student member of the board: a school attendance rate of 94-percent or better; cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher; no more than three tardies in the fall semester; and, a junior or senior standing by August 25.
Evans is joining the board of education at a time when Kent is seeking a new superintendent and principal at the high school. As the student member of the school board, Evans will sit with the board of education and be given time to report at each meeting. The student is a non-voting member, but has the right to express opinions on all issues discussed in open session, except personnel, budget and legal appeals. The student member is not allowed in closed sessions or retreats unless invited by the board.
Evans is the youngest of three children of Joe Evans, a biology teacher at Kent County High School, and Dorothy, a registered nurse.