Men are invited to make an appointment for a free prostate cancer screening on Thursday, October 1. The screenings will be scheduled between 5:00 pm and 8:00 pm at the Talbot County Health Department located at 100 S. Hanson Street in Easton.
The prostate cancer screening includes a physical examination and a prostate specific antigen (PSA) blood test. The free health service is open to men age 35 and older who live in any Mid-Shore county. The screening is also offered to men as young as age 30 if they are at higher risk for prostate cancer, specifically African American men and those with a family history of prostate cancer.
This community health service is sponsored through a partnership between Shore Regional Cancer Center; urologists on the Shore Health System medical staff; Talbot County Health Department; Talbot County NAACP; and American Cancer Society.
Screenings will be done by appointment only. For more information and to make an appointment, call Shore Regional Cancer Center at 410-820-6800.