Local Yarn Shop Donates Lap Robes To Hospice of Queen Anne’s

Avid knitters and crocheters are often known not only for their obsession for interesting fibers, but also for their sense of community and service. So it comes as no surprise when Susan Pilsch, proprietor of Island Yarn Boutique, 1543 Postal Road, Chester, announced that the shop was conducting a drive to create lap robes for the local hospice volunteers were more than willing to pitch in.

Ten lap robes were recently donated to Hospice of Queen Anne’s at an informal presentation at the shop where a Hospice staff member got the chance to meet some of the creators in person. The volunteers were Kay Dermody of Centreville, Robin Flounlacker of Stevensville, Terry Kirby of Chester, Kim McIntyre-Bott of Denton, Betsey Pisciotta of Stevensville, Cathy Slater of Stevensville, Donna Toomey of Arnold, Debbie Tribbett of Queenstown, and Kay Yi of Grasonville.

“When I opened my shop I designed it to be a place where fiberholics like myself can come together, create, meet new friends and swap ideas and experiences,” says Susan Pilsch. “Service to the community is one of those activities which brings all those components together,” she adds.

Island Yarn Boutique has hosted other charitable events over the past several months, including several for the Animal Resource Foundation. The lap robe drive is the first of many charity-knitting programs that are planned. To inquire about future programs or upcoming classes, call (410) 643-6113 or visit www.islandyarnboutique.com.

Opened in November 2008, Island Yarn Boutique, Chester, is a full-service knitting and crochet shop. The shop offers a wide assortment of yarn, needles, buttons, beads, notions, patterns and more to fiber crafters. Guided by the philosophy that enjoying the process of creating is more important than what is created, Island Yarn Boutique also features an ongoing roster of classes, workshops and demonstrations for all skill levels and ages from the novice to the advanced “needle clicker”. The shop is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday and Wednesday from 1 to 8 p.m. For information on upcoming classes call (410) 643-6113 or visit www.islandyarnboutique.com.

Hospice of Queen Anne’s is a non-profit, fully licensed Medicare/Medicaid certified organization providing comprehensive and compassionate end-of-life care to residents of Queen Anne’s County. This specialized care allows terminally ill individuals to remain at home in comfortable surroundings and to be pain-free. Whether the individual lives at home, in an assisted living or nursing facility, or in the hospital, hospice staff are there to offer specialized medical, emotional, and spiritual care. The residential Hospice Center in Centreville is managed by a registered nurse and is available for residents from Queen Anne’s and surrounding counties.