Maryland Affordable Housing Trust Awards Grant

The Maryland Affordable Housing Trust (MAHT) has awarded Queen Anne’s County a grant in the amount of $109,000.

The money will be used to rehabilitate rental housing at Riverside Estates in Chester, a low to moderate income community built in 1992. The MAHT Grant will go towards replacing the roof, gutters and windows with new, energy efficient materials that are Energy Star© compliant.

The Queen Anne’s County Housing Authority has been serving the community since 1981. The group’s initial focus was to provide housing rehabilitation assistance and later it expanded to include Section 8 Rental Assistance, Low Rent Public Housing, Maryland Partnership Rental Housing, Community Development Block Grant Assistance, Homeless Prevention Programs, and Maryland Special Loans Program.

“This MAHT grant will enable the Housing Authority to maintain the high quality of our affordable housing, increase our energy efficiency and save money for both the Housing Authority and our residents,” said County Commissioner Paul Gunther, the commissioner liaison to the Housing Authority.