The Maryland Humanities Council (MHC) invites nomination for Board membership. Candidates must beMaryland residents committed to advancing the MHC’s mission of stimulating informed dialogue and civic engagement on issues important to Marylanders.
The MHC seeks a balanced membership for its Board. Currently, 24 members comprise the Maryland Humanities Council Board of Directors. They are:
Barbara A. Hill, Chair (Montgomery County); Drew Berry (Harford County); James T. Brady (Frederick County); Thomas A. Crain, Vice-Chair (Montgomery County); Cornelius P. Darcy (Carroll County); Rhoda M. Dorsey (Baltimore County); Catherine R. Gira, Government Liaison (Howard County); Adam Goodheart(Queen Anne’s County); Judith P. Hallett (Montgomery County); Omari Hughes (Baltimore City); Alicia Juarrero (Montgomery County); Robert B. Kershaw (Baltimore City); Judi Moore Latta, Secretary (Montgomery County); Walter J. Leonard (Montgomery County); Martin G. Madden, Treasurer (Prince George’s County); Katrina Bell McDonald (Baltimore City); Melissa McLoud (Talbot County); Azar Nafisi(Montgomery County); David Phillips (Howard County); Darcey Schoeninger (Queen Anne’s County); Winston Tabb (Baltimore City); Casper R. Taylor, Jr. (Allegany County); Josephine S. Williams (Prince George’s County); Steven G. Ziger (Baltimore City).
Nominees are considered in terms of the membership of MHC as a whole: race, gender, and region are taken into account. Some members must be humanities scholars; some must be representative of the general public. The current Humanities Council includes business people, writers, college and university administrators, and professors of classics, ethics, literature, history, and sociology.
Board members’ primary responsibilities include strategic planning, approving and monitoring the organization’s programs and services, ensuring effective fiscal management, selecting and orienting new board members, allocating grant funds, fundraising, and promoting the activities of MHC. They must be available to travel to quarterly meetings of the Board as well as occasional interim committee meetings. Members serve without pay but are reimbursed for travel expenses. Members are eligible to serve one three-year term, renewable.
MHC seeks prospective Board members with an impressive record of commitment to the humanities as well as the capacity to advance MHC’s mission. Members give generously of their time and energy in carrying out the varied responsibilities of a hard-working board, in fundraising and promotion, and in oversight and evaluation.
All nominations must be received by September 15, 2009, to be considered for election to a three-year term beginning October 2, 2009. A copy of the nominee’s resume and a letter of support should be submitted to Phoebe Stein Davis, Executive Director, by email at or by mail to 108 W. Centre Street, Baltimore21201.
The Maryland Humanities Council is a statewide, educational, nonprofit (501c3) organization that is affiliated with the National Endowment for the Humanities. The purpose of the Council is to stimulate and promote informed dialogue and civic engagement on issues critical to Marylanders.