The Maryland Cooperative Extension Office in Talbot County is excited to announce that we will be offering Master Gardener Basic Training September 9 through October 28.
The classes will meet Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am to noon, with a fabulous lineup of educators from the University of Maryland Cooperative Extension, Environmental Concern, and Pickering Creek. In order to fulfill our mission to “educate Maryland residents about safe, effective, and sustainable horticultural practices that build healthy gardens, landscapes, and communities”, Master Gardeners offer a wide range of educational services to the public. Upon completion of the course, Master Gardener Interns are required to complete 40 hours of volunteer service within on year.
The cost of the class is $225, which includes speaker costs, books, and materials. Financial assistance is available. Participants must be at least 18 years of age. For more information about the class or an application, call or email 410-822-1244 or