An Eastern Shore Writers’ Association Program
11 a.m., Saturday, January 10
Brew River Restaurant
502 West Main Street, Salisbury, MD
Don Rush, Public Radio Delmarva News Director (WSCL), will speak at the January meeting of the Eastern Shore Writers Association. The public is invited, at no charge.
As a broadcast journalist, Don Rush has covered national and international news, Washington politics, and the Supreme Court. As a broadcast journalist, he writes a new and news-worthy story everyday. At the January meeting, Don will discuss writing and the unique material available to all writers. Whether the work is fiction, non-fiction,
books, articles, short stories or poetry, there’s a lot of inspiration to be found right in the backyard of writers on the Delmarva Peninsula.
Don’s career began in the early 1970’s in LosAngeles. He spent 20 years working for Pacifica Radio, with the last 12 in Washington DC covering Capitol Hill, the Supreme Court and other national and international news for its national news bureau. He has followed politics since his days in California, covering the Republican
and Democratic National Conventions since 1984. As News Director for
Public Radio Delmarva, his department has won numerous Associated Press
Awards for his station’s coverage of the Eastern Shore.
Don Rush has interviewed several writers on the Delmarva Peninsula, including a 30-minute radio show on The Delmarva Review.
The writers’ program is sponsored by the Eastern Shore Writers’ Association. An optional lunch follows the presentation, allowing time for networking among writers and guests.
The Eastern Shore Writers’ Association (ESWA) holds monthly writing programs, free to the public, at different locations around the Delmarva Peninsula. The nonprofit organization has 150 members from across the Eastern Shore.
ESWA welcomes everyone interested in the literary arts. For more information, see the ESWA website, or e-mail, or write Wilson Wyatt, President, ESWA, P.O. Box 1773, Easton, MD 21601.