“How many times have you said to yourself, “”I need to start writing my life’s story? START NOW!! In the TELLING YOUR STORY MEMOIR WRITING WORKSHOP you will draw on your memories as well as photos, keepsakes, private and public data to assist you to begin the process of writing your legacy.
We will also discuss how writing your memoir, researching your family history or organizing your keepsakes are special gifts which you can offer to your family. Frequently on birthdays, Christmas or other special holidays, we ask ourselves “”What can I give my sister, daughter or other family member?”” Participating in a TELLLING YOUR STORY MEMOIR WRITING WORKSHOP gives you the opportunity to look back upon your life story and identify ways to pass on your memories to ones you love.
Although the workshop focusing on the stories of your life, you will also look at how you can pass on these stories through genealogy, photos or even recipes. Participants will learn and discuss how they can give the gift of their story on special occassions. We will work together to share the pleasures and challenges of organizing and writing our life stories.
Joan Katz has a B.A. in psychology from the University of New Hampshire, an M.Ed. in guidance and counseling from the University of North Carolina and has done extensive graduate work in American and New England History. She is chair of the Curriculum Committee of the Academy of Lifelong Learning (ALL), the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum, St. Michaels, Maryland and sits on the Executive Committee. She has conducted memoir writing with ALL, The St.Michaels Community Center as well as the Dorchester County Library, Cambridge, Maryland. She has been involved as a professional and volunteer for many years in educational and nonprofit sectors in Maine and Maryland.
For more information on TELLING YOUR STORY: Memoir Writing Workshops, including the Fall Calendar contact: Joan Katz -410-819-3038 joankkatz@gmail.com
Scheduled summer/early fall one day workshops on the eastern shore:
July 9, Thursday – Kent County Historical Society, Chestertown Contact: Diane Daniels -410-778-3499, director@kentcountyhistory.org
July 25, Saturday – Dorchester County Historical Society, Cambridge: Contact: Ann Phillips -410-228-7953, dchs@verizon.net
September 17, Thursday – Queen Anne County Arts Council, Centreville, Contact: Darcey Schoeninger -410-758-2520, arts4u@arts4u.info