“For the first time, mobile phone and Internet users across the Baltimore Washington Metropolitan Region have the ability to provide anonymous crime fighting tips through the power of anonymous text messaging and Web Tips. Metro Crime Stoppers is a non-profit organization that assists law enforcement agencies in solving crimes within their communities. Metro Crime Stoppers accomplishes this by offering anonymity and cash rewards for information that leads to the arrest and indictment of known felons. They also interact directly with law enforcement agencies in the following jurisdictions: Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Anne Arundel County, Harford County, Carroll County, Howard County and Queen Anne’s County. Metro Crime Stoppers, with the support and coordination of Anderson Software, LLC, are unveiling their new tip via text message product, TipSoft SMS. Using TipSoft Text Tips, information may be anonymously received and securely replied to with complete confidence. The service is designed to allow text messaging to remain anonymous by encrypting the messages and routing them through several secure servers. Additionally, this service allows local police agencies to respond by text message to the originating cell phone without ever knowing the identity of the tipster. The tipster can text the anonymous tip to “”crimes””, which is 274637 on their phone. The tipster would then type MCS, skip a space, and then proceed with their information. Earl Winterling, the Immediate Past Chairman of Metro Crime Stoppers, said, “”We currently receive approximately 28 tips a month and I anticipate that with this new technology we will triple the amount of tips we receive monthly.”” TipSoft is currently being used by agencies across the U.S., Canada and Europe. Tipsters can continue to provide information in the traditional manner by calling 1-866-7LOCKUP or through the web at www.metrocrimestoppers.net. ### Contact Information: Earl Winterling Immediate Past Chair Metro Crime Stoppers 410-274-4972″