Queen Anne’s County deputies responded to multiple theft reports end of July and beginning of August:
• August 4 – Lowell Harrison Smith of Chester told a deputy that his son’s orange General Lee men’s BMX bicycle, valued at $250, was stolen from either under the front porch or from the side yard of their home on Stevens Drive.
• August 4 and 5 – Deputies investigated the theft of an HNR .32 caliber handgun from the Grasonville home of Timothy Cordle, valued at $400.
• August 4 – A deputy responded to Kent Island High School for a reported theft. The investigation revealed that three backpacks, left underneath a picnic table while the victims were running near Terrapin Park, were stolen.
• August 3 – Edward Cousler of Cordova reported that his wallet with credit cards and IDS had been stolen at Parks Tire & Auto in Grasonville.
• August 3 – A deputy responded to Windy Acres Farm in Centreville for a theft complaint. Linda Buber reported that someone entered her home without permission and removed jewelry totaling about $1,794. There was no forced entry and the investigation is continuing.
• July 28 – Sometime during the night, thefts occurred from two vehicles parked in the driveway at 1819 Stevens Drive in Stevensville. The victim, Kyle Sadowsky, said $140 in currency, a roll of quarters and three gift cards valued at $325 were taken. Neither vehicle was locked, and no damage occurred.