QA Emergency Hospital Closer To Reality

The Queen Anne’s County Commissioners took action that moves forward the stand-alone emergency department project in Grasonville. The commissioners voted 5-0 to approve an amendment to the county master water and sewer plan that will allow public water and sewer service to be extended sooner to the 14.7-acre property. The commissioners also approved a project amendment to acknowledge the planned emergency medical facility will have water and wastewater flows greater than 5,000 gallons per day. The project on Nesbit Road is a joint effort by UMMS, Shore Health System and the county. The Queen Anne’s County Planning Commission has approved the concept plan. UMMS would like to start building the stand-alone emergency facility later this year, and construction is estimated to take about 15 months.

QA Emergency Hospital Closer To Reality

The emergency hospital in Queen Anne’s County is a step closer to reality. The Planning Commission agreed to approve the concept plan and recommended that county commissioners approve an amendment to the water-sewer plan to extend service to that new location. UMMS is helping to build the nearly 17,000-square foot facility, which could be completed as early as 2010. It will be located at Routes 50 and 301 near Nesbit Road.