QA Woman Dies In Bennett Point Road Accident

“A Governor Grason Communities woman died in a crash on Bennett Point Road when a northbound tractor-trailer jack-knifed on the wet road and struck her on-coming car. The 2006 Volvo tractor and flatbed trailer, owned by Allied Building Products Corporation out of Easton, was returning from delivering a load of shingles to a nearby farm. Susan H. Whitaker, 71, was headed south on Bennett Point Road on her way to her home on Governor’s Way in her 2006 Toyota Avalon. As the vehicles approached each other in the rain, the truck, driven by Charles D. George, 51, of Cambridge, went off the road then swerved back onto the road where it jack-knifed, striking the Toyota. Whitaker was pinned in her car and suffered severe trauma, police said. George escaped from the cab of his truck before it caught fire and was trying to help Whitaker when emergency crews arrived. Firefighters performed “”an emergency extraction”” to remove Whitaker from the car. She was taken by ambulance to Memorial Hospital at Easton, where she was pronounced dead.