“The sound of laughter was the backdrop during the week-long British Challenger Soccer Camp at Love Point Park last week. This was the last of three one-week camps held in Queen Anne’s County, the prior two were at county parks in Church Hill and Centreville.
During camp sessions, coaches from across the United Kingdom taught soccer skills and character values while making the kids laugh and learn. This year British Challenger Soccer Camps are being held in all 50 states with a total of 92,000 participants.
Queen Anne’s County takes top prize, of sorts, this year with about 400 children attending. “This is the largest Challenger Sports Camp on the East Coast,” said Regional Manager, Steve Cowell. “That’s phenomenal.”
The county first offered the British Challenger Soccer camp in 2001 and had a total of 35 participants, said Queen Anne’s County Recreation Coordinator Curtis Blouch, who has watched the dramatic rise in participation. This summer there were 222 registrations for the camp at Love Point Park, 98 for Rt. 18 Park, and 76 registered for the camp held at Church Hill Park. As part of the registration fee, each player is given a soccer ball and jersey.
With individually decorated balls, children practice and master new individual skills, learn team tactics and scrimmage each day in the popular Camp World Cup! Coaches also take time to help players understand the meaning of: Respect; Responsibility; Integrity; Sportsmanship and Leadership and how these core values relate to soccer, family and school. During the three weeks of camps held county wide, the UK coaches stay in the homes of local host families.
Queen Anne’s County Parks and Recreation will offer British Challenger Soccer Camps again next year, said Blouch. Look for details in the department’s Spring Brochure or online at www.PARKSnREC.org.