The Queen Anne’s County Thanksgiving Food Program has been providing food boxes for families for more than fifteen years. The program serves folks in Stevensville, Chester, Grasonville and Queenstown, delivering food and turkeys the Saturday before Thanksgiving. Last year over eight hundred individuals benefited from this program.
We are asking local churches, businesses and organizations to have a Turkey Tree filled with FEED-A-FAMILY Turkey Tags. We invite people throughout the community to choose a Turkey Tag from the tree and follow the directions on the tag for making up a box of food for a family. Many folks participate in the Adopt-A-Bear and Angel Tree Project at Christmas time and this is a take off of those successful programs.
If you would be interested in helping you could: have a Turkey Tree at your church or business, be on our planning or delivery team, donate monetarily (tax deductible), or pray for another successful year of serving folks in our area.
If you would like to receive a box of food for Thanksgiving, please call 410 827 7588 or 410 827 6700 before November 8, 2008.
If you would like to volunteer to help in this year’s Thanksgiving Food Program, please call Bobbie Bell at 410 827 5345.