Salivia divinorum is a psychoactive herb that is being used as a recreational drug because of its hallucinogenic properties. The herb can be smoked or ingested and is considered by many to be stronger than LSD. Although this drug has serious negative consequences, it is widely available on the Internet, in retail shops and (in our area) along the boardwalk in Ocean City. Web sites and You-Tube videos have increased its popularity among young people causing concern among public health officials and law enforcement officials. Several countries and states have banned its use including Australia, Spain, Italy, Sweden and Delaware, Missouri, California and Louisiana.
Delegate Jeannie Haddaway-Riccio introduced legislation to ban Salvia divinorum in Maryland by adding it to the Controlled Dangerous Substances list. Instead of an outright ban, the House Judiciary Committee combined Delegate Haddaway’s bill with a similar bill and amended it to ban sales to individuals under 21 years of age. The full House of Delegates will vote on the measure later this week.