Scouts Clean Ferry Point

Ferry Point received a great spring cleaning March 21, when boy scouts and cub scouts joined forces to collect everything from old bottles and cans to tires, styro-foam, rope and drift wood along the property shoreline. Ferry Point is the environmentally sensitive peninsula of land on the north/west side of Kent Narrows, bordered by both the Chester River and Kent Narrows.

Last year the National Park Service granted the county $45,000 to create the Ferry Point Trail, an interpretive walking trail and bridge that will be part of the NPS’s Chesapeake Gateways Network. By 2010, the trail will originate at the Chesapeake Exploration Center and will connect to the Cross Island Trail. It will offer opportunities for education and passive recreation as well as interpretation of the working waterfront within the Kent Narrows area and the importance of preservation of natural habitat within the region.

Participating were: Andy Wood, Scoutmaster Troop 148 Queenstown, Michael Gates Troop 148, Alex Baker Troop 148, Brian Hussey Pack 129 (Dad), Nick Hoxter Troop 148, Dane Long Troop 148, Jamie Gates Cubmaster Pack 129 Centreville, Zachary Gervis Pack 129, Steve Gervis Pack 129 (Dad), Ken Blanchard Asst Scoutmaster Troop 148, Donald Robbins Pack 129 (Dad), Jacob Robbins Pack 129, Nathan Hussey Pack 129, Michael Gervis Pack 129, Ian McGrory Pack 129, Allen Blanchard Troop 148, Grady Robbins Pack 129.

Ferry Point Clean Up Day was organized by Dave MacGlashan, Queen Anne’s County Parks & Recreation Project Manager. Groups or families interested in Queen Anne’s County Community Service Projects are encouraged to call Gary Rzepecki at 410-758-0835 ext. 2522 or email