Sudlersville Fire Chief Killed in Motor Vehicle Crash While Responding to a Call

Chief Charles (Buck) F. Clough Jr., 41, Chief of the Sudlersville Volunteer Fire Company was responding to a report of an appliance fire in the 100 block of Main Street on April 15, 2009 at 7:45 pm. While in route he was involved in a fatal single car motor vehicle crash. Responding units from Sudlersville, Millington, Caroline County EMS, and Queen Anne’s County Department of Emergency Services EMS assisted on the call.

Chief Clough dedicated his life to his family and to public service. He was a member of the Sudlersville Fire Company for 26 years and served as a senior officer for more than 20 years. He had served as past Chief and had been re-elected to Chief in January of 2009.

Funeral arrangements will be forthcoming.