Suspicious Activity Leads to Arrest on Oregon Road

On 12/26/2008 the Queen Anne’s County Sheriff’s Office responded to the 300 Block of Oregon Road in Stevensville, Maryland for a reported complaint by a concerned citizen of suspicious activity. On the arrival of Sheriff’s deputies they observed a White 1988 Ford Crown Victoria occupied by three occupants. Deputy Adams identified the driver as Alan Cornelius Carter of Laurel, Maryland and it was learned that his driver’s license was suspended, the vehicle was unregistered and it also displayed tags to another vehicle. Carter was placed under arrest for Driving on a suspended license, operating an unregistered vehicle, displaying registration plates to another vehicle and unauthorized display and use of registration plates. Carter was later released pending a court hearing.

No charges were placed against the other occupants, the vehicle was towed from the scene. Anyone with information is asked to contact 410 758 0770 or Metro Crime Stoppers at 1 866 7LOCKUP with information on this crime or criminal activity and you can be eligible for up to a $2000 reward by calling Metro Crime Stoppers with information.